Christal Seas Scuba Ltd
Norfolk's Premier Scuba Diving Centre
62 Whiffler Road Norwich NR3 2AY
01603 485000 info@scuba4me.co.uk

Covid 19 Action Plan
We take the safety of our staff, students and customers very seriously and we have been working hard to ensure we can safely re-open the dive shop. We have complied with the Government's 'Five steps to safer working together'
Step 1- We have carried out a Covid-19 risk assessment and shared the results with our staff
Step 2 - We have cleaning, handwashing and hygiene procedures in line with guidance
Step 3 - We have taken all reasonable steps to help people work from home
Step 4 - We have taken all reasonable steps to maintain a 2m distance in the workplace
Step 5 - Where people cannot be 2m apart, we have done everything practical to manage transmission risk
We all need to work together to make this work and keep everyone safe. If you have experienced any symptoms or been in contact with anyone experiencing symptoms please stay home! We are happy to post out any items to you and talk through any questions over the phone.
When visiting the shop please follow the steps we have put in place
Please sanitise your hands on arrival using the sanitiser provided (or use your own if you prefer)
Please limit visitors in the shop to those who actually need to come inside.
Please respect the 2 metre distancing rule. Floor markings are in place to help with this
Remember your face covering.
Please limit trying on equipment to essentials. Items tried on will be isolated for 72 hours before being disinfected and returned to the shop floor
Air fills and collection of pre-purchased items can be done from the doorstep to reduce the need to enter shop
Sorry but we cannot offer refreshments to customers at this time
Use of bathrooms limited to customer emergency use only
Remember we are very happy to send out items by post if you are unable to come into the shop. Just email us on info@scuba4me.co.uk or call us on 01603 485000 and we can discuss your needs.
In preparing to re-open we have followed several good practice documents including:
PADI Best Practices to Reduce Covid Transmission Risk
DAN Covid 19 and Diving Operations: 10 recommendations on risk prevention and mitigation
UK Government advice on www.gov.uk
We attended the PADI COVID-19 Scuba Instruction – Risk Reduction Training in May 2020. PADI Certificate
Government 5 Steps certificate
World Health Organisation: Water, sanitation, hygiene and waste management for the Covid 19 Virus, interim guidance, 23 April 2020
Swim England - Returning to the Pool, 15 June 2020
Swimming Pool
Swimming Pools can re-open on 12 April 2021 and we have put extra measures in place to keep people safe in the pool and changing rooms:
Regular pool checks to ensure chlorine levels are >3ppm
The pool room air is well circulated via the air handling system
Please use your own equipment where possible. If you use school equipment please purchase your own mouthpiece and mask & snorkel
School regulators stored in plastic bags so not open to poolside
Defog, not saliva, to be used to clean masks
Staggered sessions to avoid overlap in changing rooms and allow time for cleaning changing rooms between users. Please bring a bag to store clothes in to minimise contact with common surfaces.
Everyone to shower and sanitise hands before a session
Sanitise hands after equipment assembly
Maintain social distancing pool side and at the surface
Underwater social distancing is not required however avoid hand to hand contact
Regulators and masks to be soaked in a Dettol mix for 5 to 10 mins after use and equipment rotated to maximise time between users
BCD inflator mechanisms to be wiped clean and BCD bladder disinfected if orally inflated
Wetsuits and boots to be quarantined for 72 hours after use
Please read the PADI Best Practices to Reduce Covid Transmision Risk before coming to the pool as this gives great tips in how to dive in this new era.
We have also followed guidance in Returning to the pool, Swim England, June 2021
Returning to Diving
When wearing scuba gear we are wearing our own form of PPE which is great. Wearing your mask and snorkel at the surface greatly reduces risk of virus transmission, and breathing from your regulator reduces it even further. Social distancing is not required underwater but the virus can still spread from hand to hand contact so avoid touching.
Remember to follow PADI's 8 simple Covid 19 risk reduction steps for divers (see image below)
And the PADI Best Practices to Reduce Covid Transmision Risk as this gives great tips in how to do buddy checks etc in this new era.
Before returning to diving please ensure you are physically and mentally ready to do so. We have all had several months out of the water so take it easy when re-starting diving.
Give your equipment a thorough check. See our Pre Season Checklist
If you have any yes answers on the standard PADI medical form please check this is still current (within last 12 months)
Anyone diving with us will need to complete the DAN Health Declaration Form